A union territory which sleeps by 8! I am serious. Have been here 4 days and am trying to find my bearings. Yes, I am based out of this place on my assignment for the next 4 months, atleast. This is the first time out of home for me. I would not count ISB as that experience was more protected than home could have been. SO trying to get around here, find a place to stay etc is quite exciting. Haha. Went to look for a PG today... it was called the ''Colonel's Den''. Yeah! I know it sounds funny, and it was funny too... Ran out!!!! Don't have much to say as of now. As I start writing my words finish and thoughts get scrambled... so will be back once am settled, and more importantly- If i can lay my hands on a comp and be connected ...sooon... just writing this to tell my blog not to write me off...just yet :-) Cheers
Life has been very interesting and adventurous in the past few weeks. Flying at the speed of light and beginning to show in the form of a tan and some lost pounds apart from some valuable learnings from the rustic markets! Yes, we have been upto some up country rides. What BU-MU-UPC signifies is my journey. Started with some classy BU (Business Unit) orientation with boardroom fundas to the MU (Market Unit) level which threw open market realities, to the UPC (Up country) walking the talk, a place where all logic fails. This is a place where no company can reach...only people can! People to people fundas work... at a global level, consumers are supposed to trust the product. At ground level, people trust people... So its different. This is where a sales person supercedes a marketer in pushing that SKU! Riding in the Pepsi truck did not end there. Went to Rai Bareili this week..and in the town on a motor bike..woh bhi distributor ka! Was quite a lot of fun... :-). The best part is that you get treated like royalty if you happen to come from the company... so if its juice, its freshly squeezed.. if its mithai, its straight out of the kadhai. Wonder what will happen in Punjab... tandoori chicken will wake me up and butter chicken will put me to sleep! LOL. Seriously I am looking forward to this exciting, stressful and spilling over at the seams kind of life.
ISB- Business as usual, Pepsi- a business so unusual
Two weeks after rigorous induction @ Pepsi, I am compelled to draw a comparison- which I think a lot of us ISBians would already have drawn having spent time at their respective employers. ISB was a different world, sanitized, protected, plush with the rigor comfortably cushioned by a way of living which surpasses the usual image of a BSchool. Business is different and here it is VERY different. Its dynamic, so dynamic that it changes as I write about it... Each bottle of the drink, or its siblings has a story to tell! The physicality of this work is what sets it apart from any other FMCG, and I can vouch for that. Take a *UL or an IT^...they will concur... An operation which is bilateral easily keeps anyone involved for more than 24 hrs in a day and that's how my work is likely to be for sometime to come. No wonder they kept us at home for 3 months! Nonetheless, its very interesting...To begin with my ROUTE RIDE, a one off and definitely a lifetime experience.. To sit in a Pepsi truck, go onto a defined territory and tap all formats from traditional to modern trade to sell that crate of Pepsi lest competition gets there :-)....Think about markets, people, consumers, customers, the season, the trends and of course apply all that we ever learnt in SALES!... Some of the things I am learning to appreciate.....why trucks are parked anywhere and everywhere, that 45 degrees in the sun is not that bad when u achieve your target, and up country can be an opportunity!! Onto Chandigarh next week for six months................
Inducted...Not just as yet
Its has been a week of induction at Pepsi and I can say there are a few things worth noting and more to appreciate. The people, each of the presenters hailed from the same background as we do and their positions make u feel good coz you know you wont just work hard without being rewarded. The CEO opens the induction and CFO is around after the ppt to welcome constructive criticism... not to many organizations would allow so much openness. As far as people go- i should mention my peer group - we seem to have the same DNA as the brand or the organization possesses- BUBBLY!... a cultural similarity which makes us get along like a house on fire - ask some people who traveled with us in Kalka Shatabdi - Coach C5 what having fun is all about!!!!! Some very strong ideas and intentions were introduced to us... like a clear emphasis on health and wellness. This mirrored in a bicycle ride and some healthy eating and constant reminds in the presentations... We have already been on an offsite, which was as exciting as it could be.....I think in the times to come I will have to more to write and share.. Can only say 1.5 yrs of work in the org was not enough to know all about it, I am still learning and having fun at that :-)