Welcome to Dhiiti!



Life has been very interesting and adventurous in the past few weeks. Flying at the speed of light and beginning to show in the form of a tan and some lost pounds apart from some valuable learnings from the rustic markets! Yes, we have been upto some up country rides. What BU-MU-UPC signifies is my journey. Started with some classy BU (Business Unit) orientation with boardroom fundas to the MU (Market Unit) level which threw open market realities, to the UPC (Up country) walking the talk, a place where all logic fails. This is a place where no company can reach...only people can! People to people fundas work... at a global level, consumers are supposed to trust the product. At ground level, people trust people... So its different. This is where a sales person supercedes a marketer in pushing that SKU! Riding in the Pepsi truck did not end there. Went to Rai Bareili this week..and in the town on a motor bike..woh bhi distributor ka! Was quite a lot of fun... :-). The best part is that you get treated like royalty if you happen to come from the company... so if its juice, its freshly squeezed.. if its mithai, its straight out of the kadhai. Wonder what will happen in Punjab... tandoori chicken will wake me up and butter chicken will put me to sleep! LOL. Seriously I am looking forward to this exciting, stressful and spilling over at the seams kind of life.

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